The tennessee riverboat design is one of many from the prolific usa designer phil bolger (google for sites, including five ones on yahoo.groups). it is designed for the home builder, using simple shapes in marine ply to create an effect reminiscent of the 1930s.. Going thru the stack of plans i’d bought over the years we settled on “tennessee” , another bolger design. i’d had an eye for her for years since i saw dick welch’s photo spread on the net and read chuck leinweber’s article on building.. Build a tennessee (another bolger design). it's simple, efficient and can be converted to metal construction (read more studying). designing all but a small pram or dinghy requires a number of skills, which you haven't acquired yet..
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100nm in a bolger idaho, in argentina
Moi gallery - renderings of phil bolger's tennessee
Bolger's design is unusual (some would say radical) with a dead-flat bottom (no rocker, no deadrise), leeboards, a tiny bow centerboard for working to weather in shallows, and oar ports so she can be used without resorting to outboard power (though a side-mounted outboard bracket is a popular option).. Power sharpie for rivers/canals/lakes what he needs, i think, is a flat-bottomed river boat, about 26' long, powered by a small outboard. phil bolger's box-keeled champlain comes to mind as an appropriate boat for his waters, but it's about four feet too short.. Super strong metal sheds log cabin plans tennessee catamaran power boat plans corner garden shelf bolger boats plans wooden wine rack and glass holder once have got put works of art up, then this focus is shifted to the door as well as the windows..
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