Longtail long by craig nelson i mounted the motor on top of the tail, turned it around and through a v belt and two pulleys, managed to get the motor at max 3800rpm, to drive the prop at ~1800rpm clockwise. documents similar to wooden coorong longtail boat plans. 095-067 - build a bent-plywood kayak. uploaded by. kkd108. boat ebook. Www.john-tom.com - thai longtail boat races in thailand race weekend at samut songhram in thailand top speed recorded at 165 kph (102 mph) ang nam chaimongkol august 2009 more details and model. First i would take a photo to your local marine authorities. you might find that many design aspects of the typical longtail such as the exposed driveshaft are illegal in your area; assuming you are planning to use it out of south east asia..
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Let me introduce you to thailand longtail racing
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Long tail boats, as you can see in the clips shown here, are small crafts no bigger than your typical kayak and made from wood, often by the owners and workers of small engineering shops located throughout the country who also race them.. Kkk group company is a manufacturer of long shaft propeller, we provide an alternative water transportation long tail boat. we guaranteed that our quality is the best long shaft propeller in the world.. Long tail boat races are held regularly in the thai provinces, many owners and teams travel to compete in the competitions – the winnings are mostly for status symbol and prize money just about covers the cost of the fuel and transport..
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